Engineering Bulletin


09 Jun 2022

Exhaust Gas Recirculation & Benefits Of Using X-1R 5 in 1 Decarboniser

Our new Five in One Fuel Products are finally with us and have started to ship. The
primary focus of the revised and evolved formulas is to combat Carbon Build up within
the combustion chamber. We will be creating an Info-Graphic for the products which
will feature this claim. However, there is a very important piece of the new product
which is the Water Stabilizer.

28 July 2021

Water Stabilizer For Ethanol – Gasoline Blends

Our new Five in One Fuel Products are finally with us and have started to ship. The
primary focus of the revised and evolved formulas is to combat Carbon Build up within
the combustion chamber. We will be creating an Info-Graphic for the products which
will feature this claim. However, there is a very important piece of the new product
which is the Water Stabilizer.

02 Jun 2021

Deposits in Fuel Filters

Recently in one of the markets a major company has claimed that the use of X1R petrol system treatment
has caused deposits in the fuel filter.

03 May 2021

Revised Petrol Treatment – Five in One

After basically twenty years of manufacturing the only true five-in-one fuel treatments on
the market we have decided it is time that we take advantage of some new technologies
on the market and improve on our formula. Most importantly though these technologies
have been developed by us and are thus proprietary and will not find there way into our
competitor products.

03 May 2021

Revised Diesel Treatment

Diesel Engines have changed enormously over the years and we are now looking at
Tier 4 Diesel Engines becoming the norm across all of Asia. WE needed to update our
product to take into account the changes to the fuels and the demands the engines are
making of them. In accordance with the changes we made to the Petrol product we
have designed a Five-in-One product that is already the one to beat.

03 May 2021

Five in One – Detergency Technology

I have been asked a number of questions regarding the detergency capacity of our new Five in One Petrol and Diesel products, so I have taken the time to prepare a slightly more in depth explanation of the products.
For both the Diesel and Petrol products the detergency package is very similar and performs I the same way and we can make the following claims;

23 Jan 2020

The effect of Diesel System Cleaner

Over the years there have been frequent questions about the difference between Diesel System
Treatment and Diesel System Cleaner. In short the primary difference is that the Treatment is designed
to be used ideally at the service interval and is packed with detergents that are primarily for the
eradication of carbon in the combustion chamber and the cleaning of the fuel injectors. The Diesel
System Cleaner is really a maintenance product but has the added benefit of increasing the Cetane
rating of the fuel it is added to by about 5%.

05 Sept 2019

Proton CVT JASO Report

The good reports regarding the effectiveness of the X‐1R CVT Treatment continue to flow in. Users of
the product are waxing lyrical about the ability of our newest item to reduce shuddering and restore a
‘like‐new’ feeling to even well‐worn Continuous Variable Transmissions.

08 July 2019

Toyota CVT JASO Report

We have already garnered a lot of good anecdotal information about the ability of our CVT additive to
rectify shuddering and sticky performance in cars with that type of transmission. However and as a part
of our ongoing QC program we have recently contracted K.K.SVC Tokyo to conduct the JASO M349 Anti
Shudder test on our CVT Treatment.

15 Mar 2019

Improved performance of CVT fluid after treatment with X1R CVT Treatment

After a number of conversations with various X1R staff and distributors it has become apparent that the
technical data for CVT Treatment has not been fully understood. The initial test conducted using the JASO M349 LVFA test with Nissan NSII fluid showed that their fluid failed after about 72 hours. The Toyota TC faired slightly better with a fail point of about 120 hours. After being treated with 17% by weight of X1R CVT Treatment both fluids lasted more than 360 hours.